If your business consistently experiences low cash levels, it reflects poor financial management. Forecasting your company’s cash flow can not only help you make better informed decisions about the growthContinue reading “Business growth: 5 Tips for a Reliable Cash Flow Forecast”
Author Archives: Mathieu Wemaere
Cash Flow Forecasting : Enhance Cash Flow Predictability and Reduce Uncertainty
A successful cash flow management is a key component in making your business grow steadily. Therefore, you must master cash flow forecasting to manage and maintain your cash flow efficiency.Continue reading “Cash Flow Forecasting : Enhance Cash Flow Predictability and Reduce Uncertainty“
The Impact of the Digit89 Solution on the Accounting Department at CHR Haute Senne.
A hospital typically has more than 1000 active suppliers, accounting for several hundred million euros in purchase invoices per year. For the suppliers accounting department, this means a constant flowContinue reading “The Impact of the Digit89 Solution on the Accounting Department at CHR Haute Senne.”
Strengthen your Balance-Sheet position through Early Payments
Balance-Sheet optimization: The balance sheet is particularly important because it keeps you and other stakeholders informed of your financial position. To improve your balance-sheet, the first step is to optimizeContinue reading “Strengthen your Balance-Sheet position through Early Payments”
Hospital Suppliers: How Digit89 Helps Overcome Cash Flow Obstacles
Among hospital suppliers, we find all types of companies, from large pharmaceutical corporations to many SMEs and independents. For an SME, being a supplier in the hospital sector can beContinue reading “Hospital Suppliers: How Digit89 Helps Overcome Cash Flow Obstacles”
Éric Baeyens, CFO of CHR de la Haute Senne: Why Did the Hospital Join Digit89?
In the current economic climate, hospital suppliers are facing major financial challenges due to rampant inflation and constantly increasing rates. In this context, the role of hospitals is essential forContinue reading “Éric Baeyens, CFO of CHR de la Haute Senne: Why Did the Hospital Join Digit89?”
Hospitals: the solution for responsible cash flow optimization
Cash flow management is a significant challenge for the healthcare sector, especially in the current climate of inflation and rising interest rates. This can impact the supply of hospitals, whichContinue reading “Hospitals: the solution for responsible cash flow optimization”
70% of a company’s environmental impact comes from its suppliers: How to involve your supply chain in your ESG objectives?
In the fast-evolving landscape of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) objectives, organisations are forced to face the imperative of more sustainable practices. It’s an imperative grounded not just in ethicalContinue reading “70% of a company’s environmental impact comes from its suppliers: How to involve your supply chain in your ESG objectives?”
Breaking the Vicious Circle: Addressing Europe’s Escalating Late-Payments Crisis
The Unseen Drain on Europe’s Economy Late payments are the silent killer of businesses, stifling innovation, employment, and growth. According to new data from Intrum, the situation is grim—European businessesContinue reading “Breaking the Vicious Circle: Addressing Europe’s Escalating Late-Payments Crisis”
Unlocking Working Capital: The Rise of Collaborative Reverse Factoring
Optimizing Short-Term Treasury In our previous webinar, we discussed one of the most significant challenges faced by companies: the optimization of short-term treasury. We emphasized that a lack of treasuryContinue reading “Unlocking Working Capital: The Rise of Collaborative Reverse Factoring”